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(2 edits) (+1)

Really fun, kept me hooked until I beat it

Took me quite a while to get used to the order of the weapons though, a little DMC-style weapon swap indicator/wheel thing would help with that. You could also put attack cooldowns there, so it's not a waste of screen space for more experienced players

Also the invuln after taking damage seemed a bit short

Would also be neat to add special big projectiles that can be reflected with the melee attack

It might make sense to do figure out some alternative to standard sealing on medium-tier enemies. (I don't think there's sealing at all right now?) I flew up trying to melee them only to get shot down a number of times. Maybe something like they hold their attack startup up to an extra like 10~ frames if you're in "approaching for melee attack" range?

Glad you enjoyed it! Good suggestions also, parriable projectile types are probably left for an expanded ver of this demo but I can add the rest np I think. Maybe some local bullet cancels if you kill enemies with melee right as they're shooting, otherwise even the "soft sealing" thing might not do the trick

ì cant play it. i press enter and nothing happens, i spam every button and nothing happens. only the arrow keys work and that only moves the selection up and down

(2 edits)

Did you try to config controls right off the bat and quit out of it accidentally? Either way, go to %localappdata%/Chaos_Devil_Battler_Zattan and delete settings.ini. Relaunching after that should work


it took me a while but i found it. thank you so much for the help! and yeah, i accidentally went into the config and pressed the arrow keys to enter

Awesome! A bit late but in the latest build you can just press f1 in the main menu to reset everything


I came

